What To Expect When You Hire A Good and Skilled IRS Defense Attorney?

If you are facing an IRS audit, hiring a tax lawyer can help you defend yourself. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires employers to send in payroll records and pay payroll taxes four times per year. An audit can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience. Luckily, hiring an attorney can make the entire process less stressful. If you hire an attorney for your tax audit, you can expect to get the best possible outcome. If you are looking for skilled tax lawyer, check out https://www.connecticuttaxattorneys.net/irs-audit-defense-attorney-stamford-ct/ for guidance and Free Consultation!

While you can represent yourself during simpler audits and installment agreements, you may not have the resources to defend yourself in a complex case. You might need to hire a tax attorney in U.S. Tax Court. While the cost of hiring a tax attorney may seem intimidating, hiring an attorney with experience and proven track record will make all the difference in the outcome of your case. If you’re facing an audit and need legal assistance, consider hiring Levy & Associates. Our tax attorneys have helped taxpayers fight the IRS for more than two decades.

The IRS will require you to produce a large amount of paperwork during an audit. And you’ll have to submit it within a 30-day deadline. An attorney will be able to help you frame your case in your favor and pressurize the IRS to accept a settlement. A tax attorney will be able to make sure the IRS accepts a favorable settlement for you. The attorney will also be able to help you with other tax issues.

The next step in hiring a tax attorney is to research the firm. The firm should be licensed to practice law before the IRS. Defense Tax Partners in Connecticut is an example for that. Be sure to check the bar’s website and talk to previous clients. A tax attorney with less than a dozen cases may not be the best choice if your case is a bit unique or difficult to defend. And, don’t forget to check for online reviews. A negative review is an indication of inexperience.

A good tax audit attorney should have the proper licenses to protect your rights. Make sure the attorney has experience in your state and federal taxes, as most people facing an IRS audit also have problems with their state. You can’t afford to hire an attorney who doesn’t have experience with your particular situation. You don’t want to appear guilty before the IRS, but hiring a tax attorney is essential. Your attorney should be able to negotiate on your behalf, making you appear as the innocent party.

When you receive notification of an audit, you may be confused about what steps to take. During the audit, the IRS is looking for questionable or large items on your tax return. They’re looking for a lot of information, including whether you understated your taxable income or overpaid in taxes. In addition, they’re checking whether you’re claiming the right deductions on your return.