If you’re facing an IRS audit, you know that you’re in for an interesting day. The IRS has a long memory and it doesn’t forget. Your Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense may be just what the IRS wants.
Many taxpayers who end up in this situation are guilty of one thing: being unaware. IRS auditors usually come in two flavors: tax attorneys or criminal tax agents. They can come to your place of business to see if you’re paying what you owed. OR, they might randomly pick to visit you at home to see how much money you’re earning and to figure out what your actual tax obligations are. With the number of complex tax laws that make up the IRS Code, even the tax attorneys get confused sometimes.
When you go to work for your tax professionals, you can expect to have to defend yourself. If a taxpayer’s case seems weak, the tax attorney will have to work on his own to build a strong defense to convince the IRS audit panel that the taxpayer is not delinquent. The taxpayer must have a Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense prepared ahead of time to provide the necessary information to the tax attorney. The IRS audit request should be drafted in a way so that it can easily be explained by the taxpayer. A good Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense attorney should clearly explain the scope of the audit, include any evidence that will be used against the taxpayer, and should include any proposed remedies.
After the Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense has been written and approved by his or her client, the lawyer will need to take it to the audit panel with the taxpayer. This is where things get tricky. If a lawyer knows something that the panel does not, he or she must relay that information to the panelists. The panelists are usually lay people who handle cases only at lower tax levels. They will be working with the Internal Revenue Service agents who will be coming to investigate the tax situation.
The panelists are very likely to find that the information provided by the Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense is solid and that the proposed remedies listed in the audit defense do not violate the tax laws. It is at this point where the attorney is required to consult with his or her tax lawyer regarding how to proceed with the audit. Unless the lawyer can show that the auditor is legally wrong, the IRS will likely reject the Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense. This is why it is critical that the Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense is legally sound and can stand up to the Fort Collins IRS auditors. If the attorney does not have this much information from the Fort Collins IRS auditors, he may want to consider hiring a third party to prepare and file the Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense. An outside legal representative will have a much higher success rate at the Fort Collins IRS Auditing Conference than he or she would have had if the attorney actually prepared the audit on his or her own.
Many tax lawyers in Fort Collins handle audits on a part-time or freelance basis. In most cases, they work as a team with one tax lawyer working on the main case while another acts as a lookout for the main case. When it comes to preparing Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense, it is important that the individual representing the client has a working knowledge of how to properly construct the audit documents and make sure that they are legally appropriate. This will ensure that the Fort Collins IRS Audit Defense prepares the best possible legal documentation that will hopefully win the case for the client.